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The third largest lake in Schleswig-Holstein with many bays rich in water birds, surrounded by rolling deciduous forests.
There are many quiet bays on the Westensee, in which there are large numbers of waterfowl in the winter months. Around 1000 Haubentaucher, numerous Reiherente and Tafelente, several hundred Gänsesäger and Schellente spend the winter here. Up to 300 Singschwan and 2000 Bläßgans spend the night on the lake. Great numbers of Silberreiher also fly in in the evening (up to 100). On the spring migration, the Zwergmöwe are particularly noticeable (up to 3000 on good days), also many Trauerseeschwalbe. Unfortunately, waders do not stop here, but regularly pull along here. In the reed belts around the lake, ponds, Teichrohrsänger, Sumpfrohrsänger, Schilfrohrsänger, Blaukehlchen and Wasserralle breed. About 10-15 pairs of Eisvogel live here. Seeadler and Fischadler can be seen hunting on a regular basis. The Mittelspecht, Schwarzspecht, Uhu and Trauerschnäpper breed in the surrounding forests. Nachtigall, Bartmeise and Drosselrohrsänger can unfortunately only be heard occasionally at the Westensee.
Access possible from different sides. The Wroher Bay, the Westenseer Bay and the Hohenhuder Bay are particularly worthwhile. From Felde there are good overview points over the whole lake. For walking around the whole lake the distance is too big (25 km), but perfect for bicycle.
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