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The Black Forest National Park is located on the main crest of the Northern Black Forest.
In this northern part of the Nationalpark Schwarzwald you mainly see forest birds. When walking in the forest of you can come across flocks of different kinds of tits, such as Haubenmeise, Tannenmeise and Schwanzmeise together with Wintergoldhähnchen and Sommergoldhähnchen. Look up when you here a pinecone fall from a tree, this happens when Fichtenkreuzschnabel are foraging in the treetops. In this area you can see many different kinds of woodpeckers: Schwarzspecht, Grünspecht, Mittelspecht, Buntspecht and Dreizehenspecht. The Schwarzenbach river leads to the reservoir lake and hosts Wasseramsel and Gebirgsstelze. In this area the Hausrotschwanz is very common, but do look out for the Halsbandschnäpper and even the Zitronenzeisig too.
There is a carpark in the village of Herrenwies, from where the area can be best explored by foot. Click on a P in the map to get directions to the parking of your choice. There is a tower on top of the Badener Höhe, the Friedrichsturm, which you can climb to overview the area. The circular walk indicated on the map is about 15 km long, but easy to cut in half.
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