
NSG Salbruch

Nordrhein-Westfalen  >  Germany

Nature reservoir worth a look in every season with breeding Weißstorch and songbirds like Schwarzkehlchen, wintering waterfowl and migrating waders.

Hinzugefügt* von Martin Stelbrink
Zuletzt aktualisiert 26 Januar 2022


NSG Salbruch is a diverse nature reservoir along the Niers river. Around Clörather Mühle some ponds have been created in the former river bed of the Niers, which has been straightened in the early 20th century. In the summer a pair of Weißstorch breeds regularly next to the old water mill. Many other birds, such as Austernfischer, several specias of ducks and other waterfowl (Schnatterente, Stockente, Bläßhuhn, Zwergtaucher, Teichhuhn) , and many songbirds (most notably Schwarzkehlchen, Dorngrasmücke, Gartengrasmücke, Pirol) breed or stay the summer in this area, which contains different habitats of ponds and wetlands, greenland with hedges and small groups of trees, smaller forested areas and a former quarry pond. It's a good area to look out for birds of prey, such has Mäusebussard, Turmfalke, Rotmilan, Rohrweihe, Schwarzmilan, Habicht, Sperber, Baumfalke during summer and Kornweihe during winter. Along the Niers river you can search for a hunting Eisvogel. During migration season, many resting birds can be observed. Typical species are Bekassine, Grünschenkel, Bruchwasserläufer, Waldwasserläufer, Flußregenpfeifer, Kampfläufer and others. Best location to watch these migratory birds are the ponds at Clörather Mühle and the Damoklesteich (the small pond at the end of a dirt road behind the old water mill). During winter many resting waterfowl can be seen on the quarry lake Rahserbruch and on the ponds at the Clörather Mühle. These contain many ducks such as Krickente , Löffelente, Pfeifente or Reiherente.



There is no dedicated parking area for this reservoir, but usually you should be able to find a space on the field access roads at the edges of the area (make sure, you don't block the road for farm traffic or residents as a few residents live in the area). The circular walking route indicated on the map is about 7 km long.

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , Feuchtgebiet , Grasland, Wiesen , Fluss , See , Schilfflächen , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Landwirtschaft


Flach , Hochwasser möglich , Offene Landschaft , Kein Schatten



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

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Beste Beobachtungszeit

Herbstzug , Frühjahrszug


asphaltierte Straße , unbefestigte Straße

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


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