
Mooswald and Mooswaldseen

Günzburg, Bayern  >  Germany

An area that guarantees some great sightings. Rare forest, meadow and water birds can be observed here.

Hinzugefügt* von Vincent Winter
Zuletzt aktualisiert 10 Mai 2024


Mooswald and Mooswaldseen consist of the old (eastern) and the new (western) lake Mooswaldsee, a few other quarry lakes, a birch forest, reed areas and it borders directly on the meadow areas of the Leipheimer Moos (also described on Birdingplaces). Many exciting bird species live here in a very small area. In the forest you can regularly observe 7 native species of woodpeckers (Buntspecht, Mittelspecht, Kleinspecht, Grünspecht, Grauspecht, Schwarzspecht, Wendehals), plus lots of songbirds like Pirol and Halsbandschnäpper, but also larger birds like Kolkrabe and Kuckuck.

A Lachmöwe colony is located at the old Mooswaldsee, but bigger gulls like Mittelmeermöwe are also usually there. You can easily observe them from a small observation hide. In addition, an escaped Chilean flamingo has been seen here again and again for several years. At the new Mooswaldsee there is an observation tower with a free telescope attached, through which you can observe various species of ducks and geese. Waders like Flußregenpfeifer, Kampfläufer and Waldwasserläufer are also not uncommon there.

In the reed areas around the lake you can often hear Blaukehlchen, Schilfrohrsänger, Drosselrohrsänger, Teichrohrsänger, Rohrschwirl and Rohrammer. Bushes around the lakes have Sumpfrohrsänger, Nachtigall, Schwarzkehlchen and Beutelmeise. And there are also plenty of birds of prey: Fischadler, Rohrweihe and Baumfalke, in winter also Sumpfohreule and Kornweihe, hunt here.

The area is definitely worth a visit, also because extreme rarities are repeatedly reported.



Mooswald and Mooswaldseen are located north of the town of Günzburg. The area is easily accessible by car. There are plenty of parking spaces at the quarry lakes. Click on the P in the map for directions to a parking spot. The rest can easily be accessed on foot or by bike. No difficult paths, except for the path to the observation hide on the eastern Mooswaldsee - this path can be partially flooded.

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , Feuchtgebiet , Moor/Heideland , Teich , See , Schilfflächen


Flach , Sumpfig , Hochwasser möglich



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Herbstzug , Frühjahrszug , Frühjahr


Normaler Weg , Schmaler Pfad , unbefestigte Straße , asphaltierte Straße

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad , Rollstuhl

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


Zusätzliche Informationen

Parts of the paths can be flooded (especially in spring), so small detours have to be taken.

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