
Lower Havel near Havelberg

Northeast Saxony-Anhalt  >  Germany

Section of the valley of the river Havel, which is partially flooded until the early summer. Only regular breeding site of the Weißbart-Seeschwalbe within a radius of 100 km.

Hinzugefügt* von Martin Miethke
Zuletzt aktualisiert 6 September 2021


The scenic valley of the river Havel near Havelberg, which is extensively flooded in winter and spring, is home to several species of water fowl, grebes (all four breeding species of Central Europe!), raptors and waders.

The connecting road between Havelberg and Jederitz runs above the river dike which crosses the area and separates the dike forland in the southwest from the actual floodplain in the northeast. The dike top provides a good overview of the surroundings. There is also a comfortable bird watching hide on the northeast side of the dike.

The southwest part is a grassland polder criss-crossed by ditches and flooded from winter to midsummer. A large Lachmöwe colony is located here, which also contains colonies of Schwarzhalstaucher and Weißbart-Seeschwalbe. The latter one is the most south-westerly regularly occupied breeding site in Central Europe and also the only one in central Eastern Germany. Other breeding bird species are Rothalstaucher, Kranich, Knäkente, Rohrweihe and Braunkehlchen.

Northeast of the dike lies the floodplain of the Havel with meadows, oxbows, reeds and willow trees. It’s regularly flooded in winter and spring. Nesting aids for the Trauerseeschwalbe are placed in an oxbow (“Trentsee”) every year and are well accepted. Schwarzhalstaucher, Rothalstaucher and Kranich also breed here, as well as the Flußseeschwalbe in several years. In Winter nordic geese (mainly Bläßgans) and Singschwan use the floodplains as a roost. The Seeadler visits the area regularly to forage.



The area is easy to get to by car and bicycle. The best starting point for explorations is the small parking lot at the observation hut. The best time of day for observations at the pumping station (850 meters northwest of the parking lot) on sunny days is the late afternoon.

Terrain und Habitat

Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Grasland, Wiesen , Feuchtgebiet , Ebene , Fluss , Schilfflächen


Flach , Offene Landschaft , Kein Schatten , Sumpfig , Hochwasser möglich



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?


Gute Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Sommer , Winter

Beste Beobachtungszeit

Herbst , Frühjahrszug , Sommer , Frühjahr


Normaler Weg

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


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