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An agricultural landscape on a plateau. Woods, farmland, grassland and a pond supports a lot of birdlife.
Königshovener Höhe is a good place to see raptors and farmlandbirds. There is a pond with nice old reedbeds with some good birds around. Many good songbirds and Turteltaube in the trees and scrub alongside the path. Good place to look for migrating and staging birds. A quiet place and a very nice place for a walk. Among the other birds you can see here are Feldlerche, Rotmilan, Schwarzkehlchen, Wiesenpieper, Neuntöter, Steinschmätzer and Braunkehlchen. In autumn you can come across resting Goldregenpfeifer and Mornellregenpfeifer in the fields. In winter you can see Kornweihe and Merlin here.
The area can best be explored of foot or by bike. Cars are not allowed into the area. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking place. The route through the area you see on the map below is 10 km.
Especially in spring, be sure to visit lookout at the pond. The reedbeds and marshy area around attract a lot of birds. The fields and bushes around the pond teem with all sorts of wildlife.
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