
Knielinger See

Baden-Württemberg  >  Germany

A large, accessible lake near the river Rhine. Interesting all year round, but especially in winter with large numbers of wintering ducks and the odd rarity.

Hinzugefügt* von Sam S.
Zuletzt aktualisiert 18 August 2024


The Knielinger See is one of many former gravel pits along the river Rhine and the largest waterbody in or around the city of Karlsruhe. It is easily accessible with good paths and numerous viewpoints. In winter, the lake hosts a large number of wintering ducks, grebes, herons, swans and geese. These include Schnatterente , Reiherente , Tafelente , Pfeifente , Schellente , Löffelente , Krickente , Zwergtaucher and Haubentaucher. There are always a good variety of species present and rarer species such as Spießente, Kolbenente, Bergente, Knäkente, Samtente, Sterntaucher, Zwergscharbe, Mittelsäger, Schwarzhalstaucher, Rothalstaucher , Ohrentaucher, Eisente, Ringschnabelente and Eiderente have all been seen here before.

In spring and summer the lake itself is quieter, although there are still many interesting birds around: Flußseeschwalbe can be seen fishing and rarer terns such as Trauerseeschwalbe are possible. Schwarzmilan are frequently seen in spring and summer. The woodlands and meadows surrounding the lake are home to a good number of species, such as Schwarzspecht , Grünspecht and Grauschnäpper. Warbler species such as Gartengrasmücke or Mönchsgrasmücke can be heard in spring, along with Nachtigall.



The area is best explored by bike or on a 6 km circular walk. There are three car parks, each within short walking distance of good viewpoints. The tram stop "Maxau" is ideally located for those using public transport (S5 / S51 trams from Karlsruhe Hbf).

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , See


Flach , Hochwasser möglich



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?


Gute Beobachtungszeit

Ganzjährig , Winter , Frühjahr

Beste Beobachtungszeit



Normaler Weg , Schmaler Pfad

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme



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