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A lovely city park in Karsruhe with several ponds and the added bonus of the River Alb running along the edge of the park.
The Günther-Klotz-Anlage is a great place for casual birding, especially for families or those new to the hobby. There is always something to see up close and a good range of birds.
Numerous paths through the park and along the river make the park very accessible and the birds are used to people. There is usually a good mix of waterbirds on the ponds: Teichhuhn, Bläßhuhn, Stockente, Nilgans, Höckerschwan, Graureiher and Kormoran are nearly always present and there is a good chance of seeing Eisvogel or Mandarinente. The mix of trees and bushes in the park provide a good habitat for numerous songbirds: Star, Haussperling, Stieglitz, Buchfink, Kohlmeise, Blaumeise, Buntspecht and Mittelspecht can all be seen or heard throughout the year.
The paths along the river are particularly good for songbirds in summer. In addition to the birds mentioned above, Sumpfmeise, Schwanzmeise, Zaunkönig, Rotkehlchen and Gebirgsstelze can often be heard or spotted. At the right time of the year, it's also possible to see and hear both Grauschnäpper and Trauerschnäpper.
During the winter months, flocks of Erlenzeisig and the odd Wacholderdrossel can often be seen feeding throughout the park. At dusk, large gatherings of Rabenkrähe are an additional (noisy) winter attraction.
It's always worth checking the sky for any circling or soaring raptors, too (Turmfalke, Mäusebussard and Rotmilan). If you're lucky, you could well see one of the Wanderfalke that breed on one of the tall buildings nearby.
The park can be easily accessed from all sides. The easiest way is to cycle or walk, but there are also tram stops and parking possibilities nearby.
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