
Bislicher Insel & Flutmulden

Lower Rhine Region  >  Germany

As one of the last near-natural floodplain landscapes on the Lower Rhine, the Bislicher Insel in Xanten is extensively protected.

Hinzugefügt* von Lukas Rühlke
Zuletzt aktualisiert 23 Oktober 2023


The diversity of habitats, the sandy and gravel banks on the flowing river as well as the reed beds and muddy banks on the quiet Old Rhine, is immense. Alder, ash, willow and black poplar also form the basis for a site-appropriate floodplain forest.

For geese, beavers or Silberreiher, the protected area of Bislicher Insel, which is more than 1000 football fields in size, is the purest water paradise. The Bislicher Insel is one of the few near-natural floodplains in Germany. Every year it is flooded by the Rhine, which is why the dikes were specially laid.



Parking is available at the café there. The area itself is easy to explore by foot or bike. The somewhat remote floodplains can, however, be reached by car, where you can park directly on the road.

Terrain und Habitat

Feuchtgebiet , Wald , Fluss , Grasland, Wiesen





Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?


Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Winter , Frühjahrszug , Herbstzug , Frühjahr


Normaler Weg , asphaltierte Straße

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



Fahrrad , zu Fuß , Auto

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


Zusätzliche Informationen

Year after year, the large flocks of Arctic geese exert a special attraction not only on ornithologists - up to 25,000 of the impressive birds make their winter quarters here. Therefore it is worthwhile to search the geese for rarities. A pair of Seeadler has also been breeding in the area again for several years.

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