
Aasee Münster

North Rhine-Westphalia  >  Germany

An artificial lake (40 hectare) and restored riverine wetland area (10 hectare) near the city center of Münster.

Hinzugefügt* von Jonas Brüggeshemke
Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Februar 2020


The lake itself has a rather artificial and steep shoreline and is heavily used by water sports enthusiasts, making it attractive for birders mostly during winter months when northern waterfowl species can be frequently seen. Tafelente and Reiherente are common, Gänsesäger and Schellente quite rare nowadays. Lachmöwe occurs in large numbers during winter, and occasionally rarities can be found among the more common duck and gull species (Records include Rallenreiher, Nachtreiher, Ringschnabelente, Eismöwe and Bonapartemöwe). Haubentaucher is a common breeder and the lake offers great observation possibilites of the species' courtship behaviour.

The restored wetland along the river Aa southwest of the lake offers an interesting mixture of reedbeds and Salix shrub, providing breeding habitat for Teichrohrsänger, Sumpfrohrsänger, Rohrammer and Blaukehlchen (rare). Other breeding species include Zwergtaucher, Schnatterente, Kuckuck, Nachtigall, Eisvogel, Austernfischer and Steinkauz (nearby). Weißstorch uses the area to forage and during migration time a variety of waders and ducks can be seen.



There is a car park at the southern tip of the lake (see the P on the map). Access via public transportation is easy since there are several bus stops at the eastern shore. The area is best explored by foot, cycling is prohibited on the circular route along the shore. The circular route you see on the map is about 7 km.

Terrain und Habitat

Feuchtgebiet , See





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