
Falaise à Guêpiers

Drôme  >  France

A colony of Bienenfresser nests in the cliffs north of the quarry lake. But throughout the year there are many other birds to see.

Hinzugefügt* von Nicolas Haeringer
Zuletzt aktualisiert 16 Juli 2024


Quarry lake along the river Drôme that hosts a colony of Bienenfresser. But many other birds can be seen in the area. For example Steinsperling, Bergfink, Rotdrossel, Kormoran, Zilpzalp and Rohrammer. Note that the site is on closed private property and that you are not allowed to enter it. The cliff is more than 300 meters away, so the birds can be far away and a telescope is therefore recommended.


Français: Une colonie de guêpiers niche dans les falaises situées au nord du lac de carrière. Nombreux autres oiseaux, tout au long de l'année.



You can park near the lakes of the old quarry, which you can access from the junction for Barnave. Note that the site is on closed private property and that you are not allowed to enter it. So most of the time you can only observe the birds from a distance at this site.


Français: On peut se garer à proximité des lacs de l'ancienne carrière, à laquelle on accède depuis la birfurcation pour Barnave.

Terrain und Habitat

Feuchtgebiet , See , Schilfflächen , Schlammflächen , Landwirtschaft


Flach , Sandig , Sumpfig , Rutschig



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