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Water channel next to Uutela forest that leads to the sea shore.
Despite being so close to apartment blocks the channel and its surrounding areas are good places for casual birdwatching. During the colder months it's possible to see Stockente and Gänsesäger on the lowest part of the channel. Some kind souls have set small bird feeders on the trees close to the channel as well and it's possible to see the common Haussperling, Kohlmeise and Blaumeise eating there. The occasional Kleinspecht has been seen in the area too.
When the spring migration season comes groups of Weißwangengans arrive to the grass area next to the channel. They'll also raise their young by the channel during the summer too. As summer approaches, it's possible to see Schellente in the channel as well. There have been Schellente and Stockente ducklings on the middle level of the channel on multiple summers too. They often sleep on the rock close to the top waterfall. Sturmmöwe , Lachmöwe , Silbermöwe , Heringsmöwe and Flußseeschwalbe are frequent visitors on the channel during summer. Numerous Mauersegler and Rauchschwalbe also fly around the channel area and if one's lucky they might spot them collecting mud for their nests by the rocks on the lowest part of the channel. Austernfischer has also been seen foraging on the grass areas and some lucky birders have seen them bring their chicks there too. Bluthänfling and Stieglitz like to forage for food in the area. Sperber can also be spotted here.
While not a bird, it's also worth to mention that on warm summer nights it's possible to spot bats hunting on top of the water too.
There's a parking area close by. Metro station is a short walking distance away and city bikes are available in the area during summer.
Please be mindful of the Weißwangengans when they have chicks as the parents will try to protect them fiercely when they're small. Do not cause needless stress for the birds by walking too close.
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