

Uusimaa  >  Finland

Foresty peninsula with a nature reserve, reed area and a wide view to the sea.

Hinzugefügt* von Johanna Jouppila
Zuletzt aktualisiert 19 Dezember 2021


The Kuningatar peninsula has a variety of birds species from gulls, water fowl, warblers, waders and birds of prey. It's especially great spot to spend the early mornings of the migration season. The coastal meadow of the peninsula is a protected nature reserve and it's possible to spot birds like Schilfrohrsänger , Rohrammer , Bruchwasserläufer , Grünschenkel and some snipe species. Sperber , Habicht , Turmfalke and Rohrweihe also patrol the area in hopes of catching some smaller birds. Graureiher is also often seen in the area.

Buntspecht and Schwarzspecht are common woodpeckers and some birders have also seen Weißrückenspecht in the forest. During spring and early summer the forest of Kuningatar is filled with bird songs. You can spot Fitis , Zilpzalp , Waldlaubsänger , Buchfink , Gartenrotschwanz , Trauerschnäpper , Waldbaumläufer , Rauchschwalbe , Steinschmätzer , Braunkehlchen , Bachstelze and Rotkehlchen in the area.

The furthest point of Kuningatar, on top of the rocks is a good spot for bird watching with a telescope. Birders have seen a wide variety of birds especially during migration seasons. Among the most interesting birds spotted with a telescope are Gryllteiste. Birds like Eiderente , Eisente , Gänsesäger , Mittelsäger , Reiherente , Schellente , Kanadagans , Höckerschwan , Mantelmöwe and Raubseeschwalbe can be observed with and without binoculars too. Some lucky birders have spotted Eisvogel in the area too.



There's a parking place on the peninsula area.

The place is accessible by bicycle and best experienced by walking.

Terrain und Habitat

Ebene , Wald , Meer , Strand , Schilfflächen


Felsig , Sandig , Hochwasser möglich



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Herbst , Sommer

Beste Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Herbst , Herbstzug , Sommer , Frühjahrszug


unbefestigte Straße

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme



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