
Fyns Hoved

Fyn  >  Denmark

Northernmost tip of Hindsholm peninsula, between Odense Fjord and Storebælt. This is Fyn’s most important watch-point for spring migration.

Hinzugefügt* von Lilian Nielsen
Zuletzt aktualisiert 27 Juli 2022


The northern part of the peninsula of Hindsholm consists of small islands, islets and crooked spits. There are a few copses and wet and dry meadows. Fyns Hoved itself has attractive scenery. The coast is stony with steep moraine cliffs, whilst inland the landscape is hilly with small fields divided by rows of stone walls. The long spit called Tornen, which is a bird reserve, curves round the shallow lagoon of Fællesstrand. South of the lagoon is the Jøvet, an outlook point with a view southwards towards Lillestrand with the islands of Mejlø, Bogø and the Langehoved peninsula.

Gryllteiste nest in the cliffs at Lillestrand 3km to the south and can be seen out at sea off the coast of Fyns Hoved. Breeding birds at the reserves of Tornen and Lillestrand include Brandgans, Eiderente, Austernfischer and Sandregenpfeifer. Some years Zwergseeschwalbe breeds here.

Early in the morning at the end of April or May the thickets around Fyns Hoved can be swarming with passerines. The best chance of experiencing this is after misty nights with warm winds from the east. The spring migration can best be seen from Horseklint on the eastern side of Fællesstrand or from Baesbanke, which is the highest point on Fyns Hoved itself (25m). Both land and sea migration can be watched from here. Many species of passerine fly past. Early in spring, the first Feldlerche appear, followed later on by finches, pigeons and crows. Later still, wagtails, pipits, hirundines, starlings and tits can be seen. The greater part of the raptors seen here are Mäusebussard, which begin migrating in February together with a few Rotmilan. In March/April, Rohrweihe, Turmfalke, Sperber and now and then Fischadler can be spotted. Over the sea, there are movements of large numbers of divers, cormorants and ducks, especially diving ducks, the commonest species being Eiderente, Samtente and Trauerente. Also Rothalstaucher and Mittelsäger are often seen.

Fællesstrand is an important staging area for ducks and waders, that forage in the shallow waters. The commonest birds seen here are Brandgans, Pfeifente, Rotschenkel, Alpenstrandläufer, Großer Brachvogel, Regenbrachvogel and Kormoran.The area also attracts many gulls, Brandseeschwalbe and Küstenseeschwalbe. In the winter months, many seabirds can be seen on the sea around the peninsula. These include diving ducks, auks, divers and skuas. Schneeammer, Strandpieper and Meerstrandläufer can now and then be seen on the coast.



Fyns Hoved can be reached from route 315 which leads north from Kerteminde. The road continues to Korshavn, where one can park. From here, one can walk out to the tip of the peninsula or follow a path along the meadows on the south side of Fællesstrand. In this direction one comes to Horseklint, and can continue out to the Tornen spit. However, access to Tornen is forbidden during the breeding season from 1st April until 15th July. It is also possible to continue by car from Korshavn on a dirt track to a car park closer to the tip of the peninsula. From here, one must continue on foot. There are toilets at the car park at Korshavn. From here, one can find a path leading up to the outlook point on Jøvet.

Terrain und Habitat

Feuchtgebiet , Strand , Schlammflächen , Grasland, Wiesen , Meer


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