

Fyn  >  Denmark

Small island with about 40 inhabitans. Although the island is small, there are several different types of habiat, with several different birds.

Hinzugefügt* von John Markenvard
Zuletzt aktualisiert 22 November 2024
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Bjørnø is a small island that covers an area of approximately 1.5 square kilometers. The western part of Bjørnø island is hilly with several high slopes, where there are breeding colonies of Uferschwalbe. In the northern part of the island is a reed forest and a small lake, where other birds breed, including Teichrohrsänger, Rohrammer, Rothalstaucher and Brandgans.

The eastern part of the island has a flat and rocky beach where Mittelsäger and Höckerschwan breed. In Faaborg Fjord, which is located here, you can see large groups of birds in the winter. For example Eiderente, Schellente, Reiherente and Bläßhuhn. In the southern part of the island there is a long narrow rock and sand spit which contains 2 islets and forms a shallow lagoon. Many birds roost here: Kormoran, Silbermöwe, Mantelmöwe and waterfowl.

On the island itself there are bogs, and there is farming with various crops and livestock. There are several stone dikes and windbreaks. There are many Feldlerche here and there are many small birds such as Wiesenpieper, Dorngrasmücke, Bluthänfling, Goldammer etc. In the town itself there are plenty of sparrows and swallows in the stables.



You can get to Bjørnø island by a small ferry from Faaborg, which sails several times a day (see the link below). You can park for free near the harbor. Press P on the map for directions to the Faaborg parking.

Terrain und Habitat

Schilfflächen , Grasland, Wiesen , Meer , Landwirtschaft , Stadt/Dorf , See , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche


Offene Landschaft , Sandig , Hügelig , Kein Schatten



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Herbst , Winter

Beste Beobachtungszeit

Herbstzug , Frühjahrszug


unbefestigte Straße , Schmaler Pfad

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


Zusätzliche Informationen

In the summer there can be many tourist and thus many disturbances. However, most people stay in the town.


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