Rate birdingplace Nature Reserve Raymond Mayné Torgny
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Torgny, one of the most beautiful villages in Wallonia, is surrounded by forest, fields and a small nature reserve.
You can make many beautiful walks around Torgny. The suggested 5 km walk on the map passes a forest and open fields, but also Nature Reserve Raymond Mayné. This reserve is small, with an area of 6 hectares, but is nevertheless special. The nature reserve has a warm and dry climate... almost Mediterranean! It includes old abandoned limestone quarries and calcareous grasslands. The fauna and flora are very special and surprising because of their Mediterranean character. Birds you can see in the area are Turteltaube, Pirol, Neuntöter, Wendehals, Rotmilan, Schwarzmilan, Baumfalke, Goldammer, Klappergrasmücke, Baumpieper and Feldlerche.
Français: La réserve naturelle Raymond Mayné est petite, avec une superficie de 6 hectares, mais n'en est pas moins spéciale. La réserve naturelle bénéficie d'un climat chaud et sec... presque méditerranéen ! Il comprend d'anciennes carrières de calcaire abandonnées et des pelouses calcaires. La faune et la flore sont très particulières et surprenantes par leur caractère méditerranéen.
You can start the walk in the village of Torgny. Click on the P in the map to get directions to a parking place.
Français: Vous pouvez commencer le parcours à pied dans le village de Torgny. Cliquez sur le P sur la carte pour obtenir l'itinéraire vers le parking.
Spotting scope recommended. The surroundings of the small reserve is a excellent vista-point over the valley of The Chiers (river). Rotmilan and Schwarzmilan, Fischadler (migration), and many birds of prey are mostly of the time in thermal bells above your head. Mind that the reserve of Torgny is also known for different species of wild orchids. (Small detour to France : Bazeilles-sur-Othain and the questa with lots of orchids too.)