
Spring Gully

Clare Valley, South Australia  >  Australia

Protected area of 396 hectares that has a steep, undu­lat­ing ter­rain that leads into the creek bed of Spring Gul­ly. The park attracts many birds.

Hinzugefügt* von Alinta Althorpe
Zuletzt aktualisiert 14 Dezember 2023


Spring Gul­ly Con­ser­va­tion Park has the only Red Stringybark Woodland in South Australia. This merges into Long-leafed Box Low Woodland on the more rugged slopes. From Blue Gum Look­out take a walk through grassy wood­lands to a sea­son­al water­fall that plunges from a height of 18 metres after rain. Many par­rots, kook­abur­ras and small­er birds make their home in Spring Gul­ly. Common species include Crimson Rosella, Laughing Kookaburra, Yellow-faced Honeyeater, Striated Pardalote, Buff-rumped Thornbill, Grey Shrikethrush and White-winged Chough. Less common species include Painted Buttonquail, Crested Pigeon, Rainbow Bee-eater, Inland Thornbill and Red-capped Robin.



The Spring Gul­ly Con­ser­va­tion Park is locat­ed 130 km north of Ade­laide. Along Saw Mill Road about 5 km SW of Sevenhill in the Clare Valley. Click on the P in the map for directions or coordinates.

There are many trails you can follow: Cas­cades Walk (40 mins return, 1.3km): from Blue Gum look­out to the Cascades. Ridgetop Walk (40 mins one way, 1.2km): suit­able for wheel­chairs, this walk starts from Red Stringy­bark car park, fol­low­ing a fire track to the south­ern bound­ary of the park. Enjoy spec­tac­u­lar views to the east and west along the way. Wymans Hike (1 hour return, 3 km loop, indicated on the map below): Wymans Hike is an exten­sion to the Cas­cade Walk, return­ing to the car park along the north­ern bound­ary of the park. Vis­i­tors can also walk the exist­ing fire access tracks includ­ing the Obser­va­tion Track and West­ern Bound­ary Track. These tracks are steep in sec­tions and are only rec­om­mend­ed for fit walkers. When hik­ing, wear stur­dy shoes, a hat and sunscreen and car­ry enough water.

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Fluss


Hügelig , Trocken



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