
Parc Tredelerch

Wales  >  United Kingdom

A former oxbow lake off the Rumney river, then a landfill site, now relandscaped country park. Lake of 4 hectares good for fishing. Adjoins mainline railway.

Added* by Iain Crawford
Most recent update 31 března 2023
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Parc Tredelerch has ledňáček říční, polák chocholačka, čejka chocholatá, rákosník proužkovaný and other common birds. South of Lamby Way there are extensive water meadows and tidal mudflats which may have a more extensive range of species, (shelduck, curlew, marsh harrier, egrets, wheatear, oystercatcher?) especially in winter, but beware of being cut off by floods/high tides.



From M4 juncyon 29A or 30, follow Eastern Avenue A48 south, then left onto A4161 and continue on A4232, then left onto Lamby Way. Click on the P in the map for directions.

Terrain and Habitat

Scattered trees and bushes , Forest , Wetland , Lake , Moors/heathland , River , Sea , Reedbeds , Mud flats


Flat , High water possible

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

Spring , Summer , Winter

Best time to visit



Wide path

Difficulty walking trail


Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle

Birdwatching hide / platform



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