
Paljuvi Reservoir

Kolubarski okrug  >  Serbia

The Paljuvi Reservoir has 180 so far recorded species almost single-handedly observed by UK expat Geoff Laight.

Added* by Dragan Simic
Most recent update 5 února 2025


The Paljuvi Reservoir lies 70 km southwest of Belgrade, halfway between the towns of Lazarevac and Ub.

Best birds of the Paljuvi include volavka červená, kvakoš noční, volavka vlasatá, bukáček malý, polák malý, rybák bahenní, kormorán malý, sýček obecný, puštík obecný, strakapoud jižní, datel černý, Žluva hajní and ťuhýk obecný. Followed by local rarities such as jespák šedý, vodouš tmavý, ibis hnědý and, on migration, rybák bělokřídlý, rybák černý, mandelík hajní and the poštolka rudonohá. The reservoir is surrounded by traditional farming landscape, adding the hrdlička divoká and the strnad zahradní to the scene. In winter months look out for pěnkava jikavec , dlask tlustozobý , čížek lesní , and pěvuška modrá.



By car only. Park wherever you like. Explore by walking, or further driving. Basically, the dam wall and the western side are those truly productive areas (the far southwest where the river enters the lake creating a marshy habitat is underbirded and worthy of more time); while the eastern side is mostly just an access road to a good shorebirds watching spot. The Paljuvi Dam lies between the regional Ibarski put/Road and the new Milos the Great motorway, 70 km / 70 min southwest of Belgrade. Click on the P on the map to get driving directions.

Terrain and Habitat

Forest , Wetland , Lake , Mud flats , Agriculture , City/village , Reedbeds


Flat , Hilly , Dusty

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

Spring , Autumn

Best time to visit

Spring migration , Autumn migration


Paved road , Unpaved road , Wide path

Difficulty walking trail

Average walk

Accessible by

Bicycle , Car

Birdwatching hide / platform



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