
Dolina Baryczy - Stawy Przygodzickie

Południowa Wielkopolska  >  Poland

Trzcielin Wielki pond is a resting place for large flocks of birds during their migration. In winter you can see geese, ducks, and gulls.

Added* by BirdWatching.PL Mateusz Matysiak
Most recent update 2 prosince 2022


A complex of large fish ponds (approx. 760 hectares) with a large variety of bird species and their numbers, both during nesting and during migration. Two large complexes - Przygodzice-Trzcieliny and Dębnica-Kocięba, as well as single forest ponds. The largest reservoir: Pond Trzcielin Wielki (accessible from the western shore) holds a number of migratory and wintering species when there is no ice cover. Among the birds you can see are husa běločelá, labuť zpěvná, lžičák pestrý, kopřivka obecná, hvízdák eurasijský, ostralka štíhlá, čírka obecná, polák velký, polák chocholačka, hohol severní, morčák velký, potápka rudokrká, potápka roháč, potápka černokrká, Chřástal vodní, jeřáb popelavý, koliha velká, jespák bojovný, bekasina otavní, vodouš bahenní, vodouš rudonohý, racek malý, racek bouřní, racek stříbřitý, racek bělohlavý, racek žlutonohý, rybák černý, rybák obecný, potáplice malá, potáplice severní, čáp bílý, kormorán velký, bukač velký, volavka bílá, moták pochop, orel mořský, ledňáček říční, ťuhýk obecný, moudivláček lužní, sýkořice vousatá, rákosník proužkovaný, rákosník obecný, rákosník velký, cvrčilka slavíková, vlaštovka obecná, špaček obecný, strnad rákosní, also see the birdlist below. Rarities are also seen here, see the Top 5 below.



Access to the site from Janków Przygodzice and Przygodzice by main asphalt roads. Easy to reach by car. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking area.

Terrain and Habitat

Lake , Mud flats , Grassland , Valley , Reedbeds


Flat , Wet , No shadow

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?


Good birding season

Spring , Autumn , Winter

Best time to visit

Spring migration , Autumn migration


Paved road

Difficulty walking trail


Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle , Car

Birdwatching hide / platform


Extra info

There are other ponds attractive for birds, but they are mostly with no access for visitors.

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