Rate birdingplace Cape Clear Island
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Low lying island bird observatory on extreme SW tip of Ireland. Popular tourist day trip in summer. Many rare birds, nearly always in October.
Cape Clear Island is the southernmost inhabited part of Ireland and has a population of 147 people. The island is divided into east and west halves by an isthmus called the Waist, with the North Harbour to the landward side and the South Harbour on the seaward side. Ferries sail regularly from the North Harbour to Schull and Baltimore on the mainland. Cape Clear Island is visited by a number of birds: orel mořský, dřemlík tundrový, křivka obecná, čížek lesní, sokol stěhovavý, koliha malá, Chřástal vodní, racek černohlavý. Offshore in autumn and winter, buřňák šedý, buřňák velký, terej bílý, racek tříprstý, alkoun obecný, turpan černý and many more to be seen.
Rarities seen recently (all in mid October) include budníček tlustozobý, lejsek malý, dlaskovec růžovoprsý, tangara šarlatová, budníček altajský, krutihlav obecný, sedmihlásek švitořivý and ťuhýk rudohlavý.
Island is reached by ferry from Baltimore, dependent on tides and weather. See link below for tickets, prices and timetable. Baltimore is south of the N71 coast road. Nearest airport; Cork, and nearest train station; Cork or Killarney. Guests are accommodated at the Observatory, see link below.