
Etang de Beaurepaire

Poitou-Charentes  >  France

The second most important lake in Deux-Sèvres. 210 bird species have been seen here.

Ajouté* par Martin Grienenberger
Dernière actualisation 12 février 2020
Cette zone d'observation n'a pas encore été évaluée. Soyez le premier à noter de 1 à 5 étoiles


This major site in the department counts no less than 210 bird species among the 344 in the department. The pond is a protected natural area and managed to be favorable for birds and wildlife. The area is mainly composed of open water, meadows, woods and agricultural fields.

The breeding species are obviously waterbirds. Among ducks, the species worth mentioning are Canard chipeau and Sarcelle d'été, and the well-established Fuligule milouin. A colonny of nesting herons (Héron cendré, Héron garde-boeufs) and Grand Cormoran is settled in a few trees around the lake but remains a small colonny. Considering songbirds, you can expect Cisticole des joncs, Phragmite des joncs, Rousserolle effarvatte and Bruant des roseaux. On the wader side, Petit Gravelot, Vanneau huppé and Oedicnème criard use exposed banks for breeding.

During migration, a few interesting and regular species use the lake as a stopover: Oie cendrée, Combattant varié, Chevalier sylvain, Bécasseau variable, Guifette moustac, Hirondelle de rivage, Spatule blanche, Balbuzard pêcheur, Canard pilet, Barge à queue noire. It's the time of scarcities and rarities. These species have already been observed here: Vanneau sociable, Phalarope à bec large, Ibis falcinelle, Oie rieuse, Bernache cravant and Fuligule nyroca.

In winter, the site is frequented by many ducks including Canard colvert, Sarcelle d'hiver and Fuligule milouin. Pipit spioncelle is seen foraging on the shores with Bergeronnette grise among which ssp. yarellii can be found.



From Angers, aim for Vihiers and Bressuire. As soon as you cross the Deux-Sèvres/Maine-et-Loire border, turn left to Etang de Beaurepaire. From Bressuire, aim for Vihiers. Before the Deux-Sèvres/Maine-et-Loire border, turn left to Etang de Beaurepaire. You can park on the site named "Beach" where a restricted acces is allowed.

Terrain et Habitat

Zone humide , Agriculture





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