Rate birdingplace Kotel
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Near the village of Kotel this feeding site for vultures is a great spot to see Vale Gier, Monniksgier and Aasgier, but also many raptors.
In the hills above the village of Kotel this is an excellent spot to observe vultures and other birds of prey in flight and perching. Among the birds you can encounter are Monniksgier, Vale Gier, Aasgier, Wespendief, Arendbuizerd, Zeearend, Keizerarend, Dwergarend, Slangenarend, Schreeuwarend and Steenarend.
From the village of Kotel drive north towards the village of Ticha. After about 3.5 km you will find a dirt road on the right that you have to enter, the point is marked with a star on the map. From the exit it is about 1.3 km on the dirt road to the vulture feeding spot.