Rate birdingplace Besaparski Hills
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Open hilly area with agriculture lands and remains of stony steppe grasslands with scattered bushes and trees. Stone quarries support interesting bird species.
The area provides good possibilities to see steppe birds such as голема чучулига and мала чучулига, Чурулин, in some years - розев сколовранец. Лисест (Белоопашест) глувчар is a common bird there, while the цуцулеста кукавица, ловџиски сокол or царски орел are a matter of chance. The stony quarries are places whrere Rock Sparrow is possible to be seen.
The area is accessable from many sides and birds can be seen from the side of the asphalt roads or with short walks after parking the car at some of the numerous suitable places next to the roads. Some of the abandoned rock quarries also can be reached by car. At some places unpaved, but flat enough roads can be used, too.
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