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Wetland along the river Sambre near Solre-sur-Sambre. Good site for observation of waterbirds.
La Cliquotte is a nature reserve of 34 hectares along the river Sambre. The wetland attracts many waterbirds. bocian biały breeds in the area.
Français: Zone humide en bordure de la rivière La Sambre. Observation des oiseaux d'eau. Nidification de la cigogne blanche.
La Cliquotte is located in Solre-sur-Sambre. You can park on the edge of the main road and explore the area on foot. Note that you have to stay on the exterior parts of the reserve to observe. Entry into the nature reserve itself is prohibited.
Français: Garer le vehicule en bordure route principale et s'y rendre à pieds et rester sur les parties extérieures de la réserve pour observer. Entrée dans la réserve naturelle interdite.
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