

Flanders  >  Belgium

An artificial lake with a beach. Often a good site for wintering and migrating birds, but getting a good view is challenging.

Tillagd* av Bastiaan
Senast uppdaterad 18 januari 2021


The Callemoeie is a decommisioned sand extraction pit that features (deep) open water, a beach, some willow bushes and reedbeds. It attracts large number of birds, all year round, but viewing conditions are often terrible as the site is fenced. Depending on reed and willow size, you can only see half of the beach, and also a large part of the open water is not easily viewable. Nevertheless this site is one of the top sites in the region and often provides some surprises. The sandy beach is unique in the region (where mudflads are more common) and is an excellent place for waders (tofsvipa, kärrsnäppa, större strandpipare , strandskata) and many more) during migration (spring and fall). Also large groups of geese (kanadagås, nilgås, grågås) rest on the beach, in winter and spring together with ducks (snatterand, bläsand, Skedand. The deep lake attrackts ducks (vigg, brunand, sometimes bergand) and grebes (skäggdopping, svarthalsad dopping, Smådopping). The lake is also a sleeping area for gulls during winter (all regional species, but also kaspisk trut in winter). During migration terns (fisktärna, svarttärna) visit the lake, and it is one of the better places to find dvärgmås in Flanders.

It is difficult to see birds in the reedbeds and willow bushes, but you can often hear cettisångare, Sävsparv or sydnäktergal.



*update 2021*

Update: The road south of the lake features best views. This road is no longer accessible by car. best parking is indicated on the map.

There is a large fence around the site and you have to watch birds from this public road through the fence. About half of the beach has good visibility, and also a large part of the open water. Do not try to climb over the fence.

Terräng och habitat

Sjö , Strand , Spridda träd och buskar





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Vårsträck , Höststräck , Vinter


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Lätt vandring


Bil , Till fots , Cykel , Rullstol

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